We have become aware that unknown third parties have been impersonating individuals and a company in the Lorne Stewart Group, using the website www.lsrmholdings.uk and @lsrmholdings.uk email addresses. Whilst LSRM Holdings Limited is a Lorne Stewart Group company, that website and associated email addresses are not affiliated with the Lorne Stewart Group and are suspected to be part of a scam. Anyone contacted using those details should exercise extreme caution, not share any information and report the matter to the Police. The pop up as a banner can be at the top or bottom of a website’s home page.

Modular Designed Solutions

Making the difference

Innovative and bespoke modular designed solutions

Utility cupboards

Our Utility Cupboards are delivered to site fully fitted-out, pre-wired, pre-tested, pre-insulated and ready to accept final connections, which allows installation to be completed within a matter of hours.

Plant rooms

We are experienced in the delivery of single module plant rooms, multi module plant rooms and plant skid modules which are delivered in bespoke sizes to suit projects requirements.

Multi-service risers

We have delivered multi service modules and risers across all sectors, and see this solution as the most efficient approach for the installation of primary distribution and containment.

Packaged skids

We offer fully packaged skids complete with all necessary controls, pumps, safety devices and gauges all mounted on purpose built skids for convenient installation:

Vessels, pipework and skids in carbon or stainless steel, low voltage or intrinsically safe control systems, suitable for steam to water, water to water or electric and designed and manufactured to meet customer requirements and current legislation.

Headers and pipe fabrications

  • Fabrication includes small one off items
  • High volume batch production of spools
  • Large and complex pipe work and complete assembled units
  • Pipe work can be manufactured to customers coordinated drawings and can be manufactured in stainless steel, carbon steel, true-bore stainless
  • Pipe work can be fully flanged or any other required end connections

Corridor modules

  • Reduced deliveries on site
  • Reduced congestion on site
  • Improved quality
  • Programme certainty

Corridor modules can be either 3D or 2D Module designed to support:

  • Ventilation ductwork
  • Wet Services pipe work
  • Medical gases pipe work
  • Electrical containment
  • Valve arrangements